About Me

I’m a journalism student at UCLan. This blog is part of my work for the Digital Newsroom module. You can contact me at mpphillips@uclan.ac.uk

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Web MD: Better Information. Better Health.

This week's webiste is the US medical guide Web MD and refers to yesterday's article with the headine:
Eating Breakfast May Beat Teen Obesity.
The article concerns research published by the American Academy of Pediatrics which claims that eating breakfast every day may be the first step in fighting teenage obesity.

Despite having a mainly American focus, Web MD provides a fantastic online multimedia resource, producing its own content from a range of referenced sources.  Each article is reviewed and edited by a medical professional, ensuring quality and accuracy throughout.

The site provides a wealth of multimedia content, providing video footage, related advertisements, 'must-see' links and options to share the article online through social networking sites such as Facebook.

If only such a resource was available for UK medical news.  If one exists I haven't found it yet.

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