About Me

I’m a journalism student at UCLan. This blog is part of my work for the Digital Newsroom module. You can contact me at mpphillips@uclan.ac.uk

Monday, February 11, 2008

A passing craze?

Cards on the the table, I've never seen the point of blogging. Not one to openly share his thoughts or feelings I've never been entirely comfortable with the idea of my words laid out for the whole world to see.

Yet having today being confronted with the premise that it is either "blog or fail" in the world of journalism, I thought I had better give it a go and horribly, I feel I may have become somewhat addicted.

As a trainee journalist I am forever hearing about news pyramids, paragraph length and tight headlines - a blog can free you from all of these. You're introduced to a completely new environment, no longer acting as a reporter but as a commentator.

Unique blogs are rare and there is a wealth of dicussion to be had on any number of topics. Encouraging debate and learning, blogs are the instant digital alternative to the nationals' letters pages.

As part of my degree I have no choice but to blog and yet I don't find it a chore nor do I consider it as work. It's a joy to be free of the restrictions of traditional reporting; a joy I have ignored for far too long.

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